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Accurate Estimates Made Easy: How to Choose the Best Moving Software for Precise Estimates


Accurate Estimates Made Easy

Moving is a big deal. Think about it. It’s when families pick up everything they own and head to a new place to start fresh.

For moving companies, it's a chance to help. But to win the trust of these families or businesses, you need to give a price estimate that's just right. Too high, and they might pick someone else. Too low, and your moving company might lose money. This is where moving company CRM software can save the day.

We live in a time where computers and phones rule the day. We shop online, talk to friends online, and even order food with a tap of a finger. So utilizing moving company software, especially platforms that can generate accurate move estimates, is essential.

In this article, you'll learn:

  1. How the right software can transform a moving company's estimating process, making it both fast and accurate.
  2. The journey of estimating in the moving industry, from jotting down on paper to the digital tools of today.
  3. Tips and tricks to pick the best software for your moving company, ensuring your estimates impress your customers and bring in referral business.

Let's jump right in! ‍


The Evolution of Moving Company Estimates

Once upon a time, estimates involved pen, paper, and a good deal of guesswork. Maybe this is the world you currently live in! With technological advancements, we've transitioned from handwritten notes to digital solutions, optimizing accuracy and efficiency along the way. Despite these strides, many companies still find themselves bogged down with challenges that prevent their moving business from growing. ‍

The Challenges Faced Without Specialized Moving Estimate Software

Slow methods make it hard to keep up.

If you use old tools like calculators or static Excel sheets to make your estimates, you'll be left behind. Here's the thing: while you're spending hours punching in numbers and checking them twice, another moving company is zooming ahead.

They're using the latest software that helps them make super-fast and super-accurate estimates. This means they can give their customers quick answers and look really professional at the same time.

And customers? They don't like waiting around. Imagine you're moving, and you want to know how much it will cost. Would you wait for days for a company to get back to you? Or would you choose the one that gives you a fast and clear answer? Because while you're taking hours, another company might do it faster with new software. Customers don't like to wait.

First impressions matter.

Nowadays, demonstrating a professional presence to customers goes a long way. Sending a designed and modern estimate can make a great first impression. If you send rough estimates in simple Word docs through email, it looks old-fashioned. The effect is subtle, but may cause people to wonder if you can really do a good job. Sometimes the details show you care. ‍

Losing trust over bad numbers.

Writing everything down on paper is not only slow, but can easily lead to mistakes. And making mistakes in your estimates isn't just about numbers. It's about trust. When customers come to you, they're looking for reliable help during a big change in their lives. They're hoping to find someone they can count on. But if your numbers are off, they start to wonder: "What else might be wrong? ‍

What to Look for in Moving Estimate Software


When evaluating the best moving estimate software for your business, be sure to consider the following features:

  • User-friendly interface: We all prefer things that are easy to use. Complex software can be frustrating and slow you down. So, when you pick your software, make sure it's simple and straightforward. It should be so easy that even if you're using it for the first time, it feels familiar.

  • Integration capabilities: Think of software tools as friends. Good friends should get along with each other! Your estimate software needs to work well with your other tools, like your customer management (CRM) and money-tracking (accounting) software. This way, everything is connected, and you don't have to do the same task twice.

  • Real-time updating: Plans can change fast. Let's say a customer adds or removes items from their moving list. Your software should be quick to adjust, keeping your estimates up-to-date without having to redo the whole thing because of a few added details. No matter how many changes happen, your software should always give the right numbers.

  • Customer portal: Imagine if you didn't have to re-export and email a new version of your estimates every time you made a small change. That's what a customer portal does - it not only saves you the time of resending documents but gives the customer control to see the most up-to-date version of their estimate. Not only can they view their estimates, but approve them or ask for changes. This not only saves time but also makes for a great customer experience (and looks very professional!).

  • Mobile access: You're always moving, especially in the moving business! Your software needs to be with you wherever you go. With mobile app access, you can edit, check, or provide estimates wherever you are – whether you're at a client's house, in your truck, or grabbing a coffee between jobs. ‍

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How does software enhance the accuracy of estimates?
    Software enhances the accuracy of estimates by eliminating the human error factor. Set up rules to generate estimates faster, and within a system where a piece of paper can’t get lost. ‍

  • What are common pitfalls in choosing estimate software, and how can they be avoided?
    Common pitfalls in choosing estimate software include being lured by flashy features while neglecting ease of use, integration capabilities, or if the tool fits the needs of your business. It's important to prioritize functionality and compatibility over bells and whistles.

    As yourself these questions while evaluating options:
    • Is the software partner you choose going to help you send easy, digital estimates?  
    • Do they have features that allow me to set up pricing rules for my estimates?
    • Is this software specific to the moving industry?
    • Do they know how to create estimates for moves?
    • Can they support tariffs and other compliance rules?
    • Do they have a solid customer support team in case I need help?

These questions can help you avoid pitfalls when it comes to making sure that your partner is built to work alongside your business.  ‍

  • How do I transition from manual process to digital estimates?
    Change management and training the team is a huge part of moving into a digital system. One of the best ways to start with this is to explain the value of digital documentaiton to the team.  

    Are you moving into a new software due to human error? Will it help your employees save time in the long run?  Be sure to be transparent and communicate the value to your team as you train them on the new process with your software.  

    An implementation partner is key to supporting you in the onboarding process. Every business is unique, and will face different challenges when adoption software as an organizaiton.

    That’s why at SmartMoving, our customers get a dedicated specialist to walk you through this step. ‍

The SmartMoving Advantage

In the vast sea of software choices, picking the right one can feel like finding a needle in a haystack. We're admittedly a bit biased, but we're confident we've built the best moving software on the planet in SmartMoving.

Because SmartMoving is not designed to just be another tool; it's a comprehensive solution designed specifically for moving companies. Imagine one platform where you can manage your entire business—from the first customer inquiry to the final handshake after a successful move.

With SmartMoving, we help you do just that. From the primary task of creating precise estimates to detailed moving inventory management, we've got you covered.

Gone are the days of using multiple platforms for different tasks; SmartMoving has all the features you need to manage leads, organize your sales process, provide accurate digital estimates, simplify dispatch, take payments and close out jobs, and report on performance.  

And the proof is in the pudding. Many growing companies have already jumped aboard the SmartMoving train, and they've reaped the benefits.

“Since using SmartMoving, we have seen a 500% increase in overall company revenue!   Our profitability management, scalability - all of that comes into the equation and SmartMoving makes it easy to track.”  

- Kurt Hintz, Owner of Mac’s Moving and Storage

They've not only transformed their estimating process but have also witnessed faster turnarounds, increased accuracy, consistent lead generation, and sky-high customer satisfaction.

It's not just about having a tool; it's about having the right tool, and SmartMoving is making its mark as the top choice. ‍

  • 95% of Users Would Recommend SmartMoving
  • 4.9/5.0 Product Review Score
  • 850+ Proven Implementations

Ready to increase your moving company sales with smart estimates? Request a free demo and take your estimates to the next level. ‍

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